I thought I must be dreaming...
I felt a wisp of air
A voice gently whispered
I'm your angel unaware
That time that you fed me
a stranger at your door
was the first time that we met
but then twas 'ore and 'ore
You took my hand one day
You helped me cross the street
I was old and fragile
I was feeling kind of weak
But with your help I made it
I waved a sweet goodbye
You must have missed the angels' twinkle.... in my angel eye
One day you came to visit
I was sitting all alone
You took my hand and patted me
The light around me shone
Oh I know you didn't see it
as it glistened on my hair
But you, my dear, were entertaining angels
yet still so unaware
My car broke down
on a very stormy night
My fears were overwelming me
Then you came in sight
You stopped along beside me
Now, I was not alone
You then stayed there with me
till help could come along
I reached out my hand to you
you took it in your own
The chills you felt were angel kisses
to you... yet unknown
So when you hear a bell ring,
Or see a twinkling star
Know that I am near you
I am watching from afar
You see
Every time you show God's love
I am always there
Because, my dear, you are entertaining angels,
~by sunysmile~
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